Sunday, May 8, 2011

and so it begins.

Jumping into the blogging world.  I have been reassured that at least my sister in law will read it, so I hope she wasn't fibbing!

Like most people out there, I don't feel like there is enough time in the day to do all the things that need to be done.  Namely, the laundry.  No matter what I do, there is always so much laundry.  I sometimes feel like I am catching up, and then, boom, 3 loads of unfolded laundry.  Sitting there, wrinkling up by the minute.  So, I decided to start a blog, so that I have yet another thing I can do other than laundry.  yay!

There are also 3 wip's (or for you non knitters, Works In Progress aka unfinished knitting projects) sitting in my basket.  Well, actually one is sitting in my lap, but you get the idea.  Two of these projects have been sitting around for almost a year.  No! It can't be...but it is.  They are very mistreated projects, and I must try to finish them soon, before I completely forget what they were meant to be.

There is one thing that I manage to do everyday (other than brush my teeth) and that is sweep the kitchen floor.  The crazy monkeys that live with me are very talented in spreading their crumbs all over the place.  We eat at a table like civilized people, but somehow the floor looks like something from the petting zoo.  It's true.

So, join me in my attempt to document this silly life of sweeping, laundry & knitting.


  1. yay! welcome to the wondeful world of blogging! jess, have you heard of it is a great site for knitters.. lots of forums, free projects and just a fantastic resource..

  2. Thanks Abbie! I have been a Ravelry addict for a few years now. Check out my side bar, "on the needles" section, it is currently showing some of my projects that I post on Ravelry.

    Thanks for coming by!

  3. have fun blogging! Have you read anything good lately? Hope you're well... can't wait to hear your stories!

  4. Hi!
    I don't have two children, but I feel like I do laundry all the time too. My mom always says that it's "thankless." I agree.

  5. I am really excited to read about your life of little monkeys and laundry. It's been too long :(

  6. Jessamy, it's so fun to read your blog! I'm right there with you and the laundry--it never goes away! I love to start it, then I remember I have to fold it and put it away--boo!!!
