Tuesday, July 12, 2011

i did it!

I'm not sure why it's taken me so long to get around to posting this, but I finished my Catkin.  Yay! It didn't take me nearly as long as I thought it would.  Mostly because I stayed up late and worked on it constantly...like some strange sort of addiction.  I was almost glad when it was done, because I was worried about losing myself completely.  I'm pretty sure the husband was also glad it was done.  He missed me.

I actually thought as I finished it that I would give it away.  I couldn't really picture myself wearing a shawl...then I realized how much I love it.  I have worn it twice, already.  Which is really saying something, because it's been up near 100ยบ (seriously, why does it have to get so HOT!?) lately.

I wore it for my monkey's birthday, and again when I went out to dinner with the husband for our anniversary.  We had a fancy dinner and wine pairing with no monkeys attached.  It was wonderful!  And I looked fancy in my fancy shawl.  At least I hope I did!