Friday, June 3, 2011

catching up

We went to a Strawberry Festival last weekend. I'm not sure what happened, but now it's almost this weekend, and I didn't post about this.  I did want to share a bit though, so I mustn't get too behind or pretty soon I'll be posting about summer birthdays at Christmas and Thanksgiving celebrations on Valentine's Day.  That would be terrible, and confusing.

Anyway, about the festival.  It was way out in the "country".   We have to take these city kids out to see some trees and bugs every once in a while.  So, we drove and drove, stopped at the best bakery  and then drove some more. I was excited for the strawberries and whatever else there was to see...

Wouldn't you know, the second craft table I passed was selling yarn bowls! Yarn bowls at the Strawberry Festival! Only I could be so lucky. It was an early birthday to me. Here he is in his new home.

Of course my littlest monkey loved the petting zoo. He tried to feed the horse and the cows. He wanted to snuggle the chickens. He really, really loves chickens. Here he is admiring some chickens we saw when we went to Penn State a few weeks ago.  You can't really tell, but I know he's just itching to get in there with him.

I was surprised though, it seems he likes goats even more than chickens. He tried to climb the gate to get into their pen. I think he wanted to snuggle with them. Who could blame him, wouldn't you want to give this guy a kiss?

My other monkey had a pretty good time too. Although, I think she would have enjoyed it more if we had just let her have a Strawberry Sundae the minute we got there...Silly us trying to eat lunch and enjoy the festival first...She had her daddy though, and that's all you really need.

And, just in case you were wondering...There were no "real" strawberries at the festival (hence no fun strawberry pictures).  I guess the strawberries didn't know they had been invited...


  1. Looks like you guys had fun! Every time I read about someone doing a "family outing" of "picking" (be it strawberries, blackberries, apples, or pumpkins) I'm jealous and wish we had something like that around here. Sounds like you guys need a farm, and you can just let big boy there feed all the goats and chickens :)

  2. Sounds like fun! I especially love the last picture.

  3. Your photos look amazing. How do you do that?!
