Friday, May 13, 2011

howler monkey

My littlest monkey is a terrible napper. If you are in a moving vehicle of any kind (car, stroller, backhoe...well, probably not a backhoe, but you get the point) after 11am, he will most likely fall asleep. “That sounds lovely,” you say. Yes, in theory. However, if he happens to wake up 10 minutes later, he has only taken a 10 minute nap, and that is it for the day. Then you have a very cranky howler monkey clinging to you for the rest of the day.

How does one knit when there is a howler monkey in the house? Unfortunately, you can not. It is possible to dream about what you would be knitting if you had the time. Today I imagined myself sitting in a big comfy chair, sunlight streaming through an open window, knitting away on an unidentified project. It was lovely. And quiet, oh so quiet.

The dream lasted less than a minute. There was so much noise in the house I couldn't focus on anything, let a lone a lovely daydream. So, I threw the monkeys in the car and took them to their natural habitat, the park(ok, I didn't throw them, just lightly tossed, like a salad). I love taking my monkeys to the park. It is somehow quieter there. Their friends are there and they play. It is very cute. Especially when they play together. It was warm, breezy, sandy, and also lovely.

Also, just so you all know (I have one follower!) I've done 6 loads of laundry this week. I folded 2.5, the other .5 went straight on the bed (clean sheets!), there are two loads in baskets that are getting very, very wrinkly, and one load still in the dryer. That's actually not that bad of a laundry week.

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe how big he is getting! And you folded 3x more laundry than I did :hide:
