Thursday, June 30, 2011

i knew this would happen

So, it seems my last post was almost a month ago. I knew this would happen, because I'm terrible at keeping up with things. That's just the lay of the land in my world...

June was a pretty busy month. School ended, there was ballet and soccer camp (for the kids, not for me.) We've gone to the farmers markets and set off on outdoor adventures. My oldest monkey turned 4. I don't know how it's happened so quickly. I swear she was just born a few months ago, and yet, now she's 4. Unbelievable.

We had a Tea Party with some friends to celebrate.

There were tea cups to paint.
Pin the cup on the saucer was pretty funny. Especially when all the little girls tried to peek under the blindfold to see where to put their cup. Little monkeys can be so funny.
Most important, there were cupcakes to eat.

Happy Birthday, baby girl!

Monday, June 6, 2011

urban gardening

We planted some seeds last week.

We're hoping they grow.  Preferably into lettuce, basil and cucumbers.  We'll see.

I was informed that all they need is, "Sunshine, Water, and Love."  I now have a crazy Sesame Street song stuck in my head.  Happy Birthday Stinky!

At least they are already getting their share of love.

Friday, June 3, 2011

catching up

We went to a Strawberry Festival last weekend. I'm not sure what happened, but now it's almost this weekend, and I didn't post about this.  I did want to share a bit though, so I mustn't get too behind or pretty soon I'll be posting about summer birthdays at Christmas and Thanksgiving celebrations on Valentine's Day.  That would be terrible, and confusing.

Anyway, about the festival.  It was way out in the "country".   We have to take these city kids out to see some trees and bugs every once in a while.  So, we drove and drove, stopped at the best bakery  and then drove some more. I was excited for the strawberries and whatever else there was to see...

Wouldn't you know, the second craft table I passed was selling yarn bowls! Yarn bowls at the Strawberry Festival! Only I could be so lucky. It was an early birthday to me. Here he is in his new home.

Of course my littlest monkey loved the petting zoo. He tried to feed the horse and the cows. He wanted to snuggle the chickens. He really, really loves chickens. Here he is admiring some chickens we saw when we went to Penn State a few weeks ago.  You can't really tell, but I know he's just itching to get in there with him.

I was surprised though, it seems he likes goats even more than chickens. He tried to climb the gate to get into their pen. I think he wanted to snuggle with them. Who could blame him, wouldn't you want to give this guy a kiss?

My other monkey had a pretty good time too. Although, I think she would have enjoyed it more if we had just let her have a Strawberry Sundae the minute we got there...Silly us trying to eat lunch and enjoy the festival first...She had her daddy though, and that's all you really need.

And, just in case you were wondering...There were no "real" strawberries at the festival (hence no fun strawberry pictures).  I guess the strawberries didn't know they had been invited...

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


what else do you do when the Heat Index reaches 102º?  Knit wool socks of course!  Well, toeless socks, that is.

I am so very mean to my feet.  Once it is above 60º I never wear socks.  I don't think this has much to do with why my feet are in such rough shape, but it definitely doesn't help.  I need something to help these poor feet.  In a perfect world I would lotion them up, then pull on some socks and sleep the night away.  I'd wake up with smooth soft feet, right?  Except I never remember to put lotion on them.  And I don't like to sleep in socks.  My toes cant' breath in socks.  So, I decided to knit a pair of toeless socks.  I lanolized them so that the lanolin can work its magic and I don't have to remember the lotion.  I hope my husband doesn't read this because he will start quoting Silence of the Lambs, and I'll get the hibbie jeebies.

Super Sexy, no?